[WIP] Embed .NET (Core) in your D app
evilrat666 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 11 10:01:47 UTC 2020
On Tuesday, 11 February 2020 at 08:47:48 UTC, Jonathan Marler
> The code generation side adds complexity. However, all the
> generated code ends up calling into a small simple library
> called ClrBridge.dll.
> https://github.com/marler8997/clrbridge/blob/master/dotnetlib/ClrBridge.cs
Yes, but it is moved from user to library maintainer. That way
users are happy, they just don't care about these details. And it
only adds single DLL with few dependencies to redistribute. In
total 12 files less than 1 MB in size, including 4 files for
Mono.Cecil which is a leftover from my compiler experiments that
I forgot to exclude.
> It defines a handful static functions to load assemblies, get
> types, methods, call methods, marshal values, box values and
> create arrays. The bare minimum you need to have access to the
> entire Clr if you're only able to call static methods through
> the coreclr library.
Most of this is accessible without extra helpers.
That's why I did delegate handling first. It creates static
delegate at runtime that can be called as normal function
pointer, and rewrites incompatible types to pass handles instead,
then before calling former method it obtains actual objects using
that handles.
System.Activator - is 'new' operator.
System.Array - all things for arrays.
System.Type - basically all reflection
System.Delegate - call methods, etc..
From that list I only need static helpers for Type.GetType(),
Type.GetMethod(), Delegate.CreateDelegate() and
Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(), this provides access to
specific types and methods and after creating delegate and then
obtaining callable function pointer with these helpers the rest
should be accessible.
> You can have access to the full CLR with this library without
> any code generation as well. Here's an example that doesn't
> use any code generation:
> https://github.com/marler8997/clrbridge/blob/master/dlang/noCodegenExample.d
ok, will take a second look.
> Interesting. I haven't found a case yet where I've needed to
> generate IL code to marshal types. I don't anticipate needing
> to either as I already have a design that should work for
> marshaling any type. What types are you needing to generate IL
> to marshal for?
There is not much going on.
My conclusion is that they just not yet implemented full handling
for delegates so far.
So all I did was just take reference types in method
params/return instead to be rewritten as IntPtr and handled using
GCHandle, simply it just calls
GCHandle.Alloc(ret)/GCHandle.FromIntPtr(param).Target on return
value and parameters.
(hamburger analogy where meat is the real method and bread is
that extra handling)
Though this can change later as it is still at the very early
stage right now. This does not account for structs with reference
types, etc...
Also CLR does marshal arrays just fine, while my current solution
currently takes the route of using object handle for that(which
might be slower or even incorrect in some cases?).
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