Code block as template argument

Ali Çehreli acehreli at
Tue Feb 11 11:34:49 UTC 2020

On 2/11/20 3:14 AM, Виталий Фадеев wrote:> On Tuesday, 11 February 2020 
at 11:10:44 UTC, Виталий Фадеев wrote:

 > Analog C-code with macros:
 >      #define TPL(M,D,CODE) if ( state & M && diraction = D ) CODE;
 > example code
 >      TPL( OPEN, OUT,
 >        {
 >          delete AppsWindow
 >          state &= !OPEN
 >        }
 >      )
 > It possible in D ?

As a friendly reminder, the Learn newsgroup (or its Forum interface at is more appropriate for such questions.

Two options come to mind:

uint state;
enum uint OPEN = 0x2;
enum Direction { D, OUT }
Direction direction;

// Option 1: Equivalent of a C macro
void executeMaybe(Func)(uint M, Direction D, Func func) {
   if ((state & M) && (direction == D)) {

// Option 2: Equivalent of a C struct
struct MaybeExecutor {
   uint M;
   Direction D;

   this (uint M, Direction D) {
     this.M = M;
     this.D = D;

   auto opCall(Func)(Func func) {
     if ((state & M) && (direction == D)) {

void main() {
   int* AppsWindow;

   executeMaybe(OPEN, Direction.OUT, {
       state &= !OPEN;

   auto ex = MaybeExecutor(OPEN, Direction.OUT);
       state &= !OPEN;


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