DIP 1031--Deprecate Brace-Style Struct Initializers--Community Review Round 1 Discussion
no at spam.net
Mon Feb 17 13:10:17 UTC 2020
On Sunday, 16 February 2020 at 06:27:32 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> What's the point of lightning fast generation of poor quality
> code? Okay, during development it's good to have fast
> turnaround times. But what when it's release time and I want to
> squeeze the last bit of juice from the generated code?
I don't know about you, but I spend like 99.9% of my time in the
development phase and 0.1% in the final release build phase. In a
lot of cases DMD produces code that's more than good enough, so I
don't even both with LDC, but it really doesn't add anything to
my development time to add a final call to LDC. If you could
alias DMD -O to call LDC, you wouldn't notice the difference.
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