DIP 1030--Named Arguments--Community Review Round 1 Discussion

Meta jared771 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 20 15:21:51 UTC 2020

On Wednesday, 19 February 2020 at 19:13:01 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
> On Wednesday, February 19, 2020 8:31:00 AM MST Yuxuan Shui via 
> Digitalmars-d wrote:
>> On Friday, 7 February 2020 at 03:33:26 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
>> wrote:
>> > but for the most part, they're useful because a function has 
>> > way too many parameters, in which case, the function should 
>> > have been designed differently.
>> Named parameters are not just for when there are too many 
>> parameters.
>> Easy example:
>>      dup2(a, b);
>> vs
>>      dup2(src: a, dst: b);
> Named arguments are completely unnecessary in such a situation. 
> The list of arguments is short enough that it's trivial to know 
> which is which and what they're for.

This is off the mark. Named arguments are very useful even in 
this case (maybe *especially* in this case, when you have to rely 
on the convention that src always comes first and dst always 
comes second). I've been using Groovy a lot at work lately, which 
has support for named arguments (and interpolated strings, by the 
way), and it allows for writing some very clear and readable code.

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