Removing libdparse dependency from DLS

Basile B. b2.temp at
Fri Feb 21 02:27:37 UTC 2020

On Thursday, 20 February 2020 at 18:58:12 UTC, Cristian Creteanu 
> [...]

I'll only comment this parapgraph since I don't use DLS:

> The cleanest way to solve this would be to replace libdparse 
> with dmd in dcd and dscanner, as well. Would this be a good 
> idea? Should I approach this differently?

You should rather start new tools. dsymbol (so the library used 
by dcd) has a lot of problems related to import and out-of-order 
declarations, templates or even expressions are not handled at 
all (BTW dparse doesn't decompose unaries at all !).

Replacing dparse by DMD-FE in the tools, from my POV, would be 
like puting a Rolls-Royce turbo reactor in an old Renault 4L car. 
The way the tools are made is too bent to dparse.

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