Pay as you go is really going to make a difference
Gregor Mückl
gregormueckl at
Thu Jan 16 15:08:47 UTC 2020
On Thursday, 16 January 2020 at 14:03:15 UTC, Martin Tschierschke
> But maybe I am wrong and the next generation of software
> engineers will bring the gain of Moors Law to us. (And the
> resources needed for computing world wide will stop increasing.)
It is especially the current young generation of coders that gets
socialized with HTML+JS "GUIs" (yup, scare quotes!) and "apps"
that are just services on somebody else's server.
There's just so many incentives pointing the wrong way:
- Cloud providers want to lock their customers in (Google,
Amazon, MS)
- Software developers see how they can squeeze juicy subscription
fees out of their customers when they don't sell installable
software, but run it as a service
- Commercial users see shiny presentations that tell them that
not running their software in-house is so much cheaper (and it's
likely true until they lose access to their data or a critical
3rd party service falls over)
I only see a single chance to get out of this particular hole:
completely new devices that are more desirable than PCs, tablets
or smartphones and for which the web as it exists today makes
absolutely no sense. I see one chance of this happening if
everyday augmented reality matures in about 5 to 10 years - and
that's still a pretty big if.
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