Help here: How did you get started with D.

aberba karabutaworld at
Sat Jul 4 10:32:12 UTC 2020

I'm looking to do a general but brief post on getting started 
with D. Not everything will be written by me since I'm aware 
there's several existing resources...more of creating an entry 
point to all those resources (and writing more only when 
necessary). I'm looking to cover areas such as:

* Pros of D... general D's strength kind of getting you excited.
* Leaning resources.
* Development tools available in D Window, Linux, Mac
* Setting up a development environment
* Resources from web/server-side developers (which I know more  
about than the others by experience)
* Resources for game and graphics developers
* Resources for scientific computing
* Resources for desktops development (system, GUIs, ...??)
* Resources for data science (taken separately from general 
scientific computation)
* Resources for embedded programming
* Resources for ??? (Let me know what else I'm missing)
* How and where to get help
* D community platforms (forum, IRC, ???)
* How to contribute to D

The point of this post is to:
1. Know what helped you get started with D
2. What else you think its worth mentioning
3. Things that weren't immediately obvious when you started using 
D and you probably found out the hard way.

I'm trying to balance between keeping it short but detailed 
enough to make it useful to all sorts of people looking to get 
started with D.

I think I'll probably do a separate on on contributing back to 
the D ecosystem and source outreach kind of post.

So please let me have your input.

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