Programming language for GIMP fork's rewrite

Jesse Phillips Jesse.K.Phillips+D at
Sun Jul 5 17:01:15 UTC 2020

On Thursday, 2 July 2020 at 03:07:06 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
> This is pretty interesting and exciting news. I have been using 
> GIMP on and off since it was on X/Motif, and it would be crazy 
> cool to have such a huge project using D. I remember the switch 
> to (and creation) of gtk, it was itself a huge undertaking, and 
> that was before GIMP was as complicated as it is today.

Note this is only the front end. I'm not saying that means small, 
especially if they are in fact writing a toolkit too.

I could definitely see a team who has worked on gimp being able 
to do something interesting with D in the graphics space. They 
wanted something more differentiating, that will certainly happen 
using D.

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