Purity, memoization and parallelization of dmd

Petar Petar
Tue Jul 21 13:29:55 UTC 2020

On Tuesday, 21 July 2020 at 11:37:16 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
> [..]
> That is my dream for D. If the compiler *is* the build system, 
> then sure, parallelise the compiler. Currently, I don't see the 
> point of even trying.

In one of the web technologies we use at work, the compiler is 
used as a library by the build system to build a dependency graph 
(based on the imports) of all code and non-code assets. Then 
there is a declarative way to describe the transformations 
(compilation, minification, media encoding, etc.) that need to be 
done on each part of the project. The linking step (like in 
C/C++) is implicit - it's like you invoke the linker which works 
in reverse to figure out that in order to link dependencies in 
the form of libraries A and B it needs to first compile them with 
compilers X and Y.

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