An easy phobos i/o bug to fix
starcanopy at
Wed Jul 29 03:08:43 UTC 2020
On Wednesday, 29 July 2020 at 02:18:44 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer
> On 7/28/20 7:24 PM, starcanopy wrote:
>> On Monday, 27 July 2020 at 15:19:44 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer
>> wrote:
>>> If anyone is using windows and std.stdio.File.rawWrite, it's
>>> insanely slow. And it's an easy fix. See
>>> I don't use Windows, so I probably won't get around to fixing
>>> this. But ping me if you make a PR, I will review it.
>> So, upon opening a File, save the mode into a field, and only
>> execute the current behavior iff the mode isn't binary?
> Almost! I was thinking to store the current mode, and then only
> change the mode when needed, including the required flush.
> This way, subsequent rawWrite calls are less expensive, even if
> it was open originally for text mode.
> -Steve
Looks like the contents of the Windows' version needs to be put
into an if statement if I'm correctly following you.
version (Windows)
import std.algorithm: canFind;
/* currMode is a member of File
I'd imagine, unless the value being assigned to currMode is
normalized, canFind or something similar would be preferable over
exhaustive checking. */
if (!currMode.canFind("b"))
// current behavior
// write
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