Dynamic templated virtuals - I still often want them
er.krali at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 09:36:43 UTC 2020
On 29/7/20 10:01, Alexandru Ermicioi wrote:
> Well it does. How do you plan to handle the case where Y library is
> already compiled (separately, or available as .lib with .di interface)?
> Vtable should already be defined, which means that upon loading of lib,
> main app needs to patch vtable with missing template specializations.
> Best regards,
> Alexandru.
I think the trick here is that they wouldn't actually be templates in
the usual sense. So:
class Base {
virtual void fun(this This)() { /* body */ }
would be lowered to:
class Base {
void fun() {
alias This = Base;
/* body */
The code for `fun` would still be available in the .di file (as with any
other template), so when you then later do:
class Derived : Base { }
it would be rewritten / lowered as:
class Derived : Base {
override void fun() {
alias This = Derived;
/* body */
that could be then perfectly interact with all other compilation units.
I'm happy to be corrected if I understood it wrong, but I think it could
work this way without any side-effect (i.e. you can try the lowered
version now and it works):
class Base {
string serialize() {
alias This = Base;
return This.stringof; // just for example
class Derived : Base {
override string serialize() {
alias This = Derived;
return This.stringof; // just for example
void main() {
Base b = new Derived();
assert(b.serialize() == "Derived");
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