Copy constructors and IsExpression

Stanislav Blinov stanislav.blinov at
Mon Jun 1 15:48:21 UTC 2020

...specifically, the second form, i.e. `is(Type : 
TypeSpecialization)`: "The condition is satisfied if Type is 
semantically correct and it is the same as or can be implicitly 
converted to TypeSpecialization".

Copy constructors expand the realm of implicit conversions, yet 
the IsExpression doesn't seem to consider them:

struct S {
     int* ptr; // note the pointer
     this(ref scope const S) { /* ... */ }

S copy(ref const S s) { return s; } // OK

void takesMutable(S s) {}

void givesConst() {
     const S s;
     takesMutable(s); // OK

static assert(is(const(S) : S)); // Asserts

Was the implementation intentionally not amended to allow for 
copy constructors, or was this an oversight? It does, after all, 
accept conversions provided by the `alias this`, so why not copy 
There are a few areas of the language and libraries, including 
druntime, that are ignoring copy constructors (for example, 
arrays). Is this also one of those?

On another note, is there really no way of recovering password 
here? I keep forgetting it on a regular basis.

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