dlang.org endpoint for permanent links to DIPs
dkorpel at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 12:29:09 UTC 2020
Given an issue number, getting the URL for that issue is not
hard. Just put it into this string:
DIPs, however, have it harder. Early DIPs are at:
DIPs above 1000 under review can be found like this:
But after review, it will be moved to sub folders like
'accepted', 'rejected' and 'other'. Consequently, links to DIPs
can easily become dead, for example:
You can use a permanent link to a commit on GitHub, but those are
very long and refer to the DIP at that moment, not the most
recent version.
Can we create an endpoint on dlang.org that redirects to the
latest version of a DIP? Something like:
I would try to implement this myself but I'm not an experienced
web developer, and as far as I can tell only the static content
of dlang.org is open source, so help from people in charge of the
dlang.org domain would be appreciated.
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