dlang.org endpoint for permanent links to DIPs
seb at wilzba.ch
Wed Jun 3 18:22:34 UTC 2020
On Wednesday, 3 June 2020 at 17:42:26 UTC, Dennis wrote:
> On Wednesday, 3 June 2020 at 13:25:05 UTC, Seb wrote:
>> I guess the easiest/quickest option is to add redirects to
>> dlang.org.
>> This can be done by adding "Redirect 301 /dips/1028
>> https://github.com/.../"
>> https://github.com/dlang/dlang.org/blob/master/.htaccess
> I didn't know about that file, that is very useful.
> I think manually adding redirects is a great start.
>> However, I think this will require quite a bit of manual
>> maintenance and is easy to forget, so the best option is to
>> render the Markdown into HTML automatically at the DIPs
>> repository, which can then continuously be deployed to e.g.
>> dips.dlang.org
> It's better than the current situation where every instance of
> a link to a DIP is a maintenance problem. Would it be hard to
> automatically update the redirects file based on the DIP
> respository?
It certainly won't be easy as the tech stack of dlang.org is
rather old. With the current setup it would probably need to be a
bot that monitors commits to dlang/dips, parses the current DIP
list, updates the .htaccess based on this and opens this as a PR
if the diff changed. Not super hard, but certainly not an hour's
Furthermore, a lot of people won't be aware that the links from
GitHub can break and might not even know about dips.dlang.org
>> If someone is interested in doing this little project, it can
>> be done entirely with D, e.g.
>> https://vibed.org/api/vibe.textfilter.markdown/filterMarkdown
>> For deployment with Netlify + D, a netlify.sh and netlify.toml
>> are required. Something like this:
> That sounds a bit more complicated than needed.
Not sure, it's not that hard to use:
All that's missing is to detect the title, loop over all dips and
generate a ToC.
Vibe.d's Markdown package is also used to render the package
READMEs on code.dlang.org and while it used to not support some
features of GitHub-flavored Markdown (GFM) compatibility, this
compatibility is not a huge issue these days anymore at least
with a recent Vibe.d (see e.g. the recent
Though I do admit that using a Markdown package that provides
100% well-tested feature parity with GFM might be an alternative
approach, but it wouldn't be dog-feeding Vibe.d + D.
> DDoc now supports markdown, so if they should be hosted on the
> site, couldn't they simply become .dd files in the dlang.org
> repository?
Well, the Markdown supported by Ddoc has been limited to "only
the useful parts" by Walter. That's why the documentation calls
it "Markdown inspired", e.g.
I guess it might work with most DIPs, but if one doesn't even try
to have feature parity with normal Markdown folks are going to be
very confused (and I'm not even talking about GitHub-flavored
BTW dlang.org already uses Vibe.d its ddox documentation, so
there wouldn't be a big "hurdle" of using it to render a few more
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