Why do you continue to use D?

FeepingCreature feepingcreature at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 04:55:36 UTC 2020

On Wednesday, 3 June 2020 at 11:12:08 UTC, aberba wrote:
> I personally can't use any other system programming language 
> due to the expressiveness and familiarity of D. Its familiar 
> and some syntactic expressiveness are just hard to get in other 
> systems languages...feels easier to model code in D.
> I don't use D primarily for work (Node.Js due to packages and 
> cloud support...web services), but D is my go-to system 
> language. Personally, wished I could use D for everything.
> I like the community here better, I like the engagement and 
> support. Yeah, it's not perfect but way better than anywhere 
> else I've been.
> What [about] you?

Because I get paid for it...

And because my new language project isn't ready yet. ;-)

IMO, D is the worst best language. It simultaneously goes so far 
in useful directions that it makes using any other C-like 
painful, but still falls so far short of what it itself shows is 
possible. (shared, immutable, copy constructors, the half-working 
lifetime tracking, great templates with horrible performance, 
mixin but no macros, ddoc but no introspection...) I think that's 
the reason why D people keep wandering off to make their own 
compilers. Lisp has somewhat the same property, but there's less 
impetus to go off and make your own Lisp because the base 
language is so very extensible.

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