Getting action on your favorite D issues
Patrick Schluter
Patrick.Schluter at
Sat Jun 6 10:09:07 UTC 2020
On Friday, 5 June 2020 at 23:53:28 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 05, 2020 at 11:57:39PM +0200, ag0aep6g via
> Digitalmars-d wrote: [...]
>> 2) "bool can be both true and false"
>> This one is just silly.
> [...]
> Nah, it's not silly, it's just that DMD's backend produces code
> that exhibits quantum uncertainty:
> -----------------
> bool schrodingersCat() @safe {
> union Box { bool b; int spin; }
> Box u;
> u.spin = 2;
> return u.b;
> }
> void main() @safe {
> import std.stdio;
> bool b = schrodingersCat();
> if (b) writeln("alive");
> if (!b) writeln("dead");
> }
> -----------------
> Output:
> -----------------
> alive
TEST AL,AL gives "not zero"
> dead
XOR AL,1 gives "not zero"
xor al,1 is faster than
NOT AL => stupid Intel prefered to not change flags
> -----------------
> :-D
> Unfortunately, LDC's backend seems a lot more classical, as the
> above code produces this output with absolute certainty:
optimizing LDC is so smart that it compiled main down to
non optimizing it inserts a (b&1) before testing which explains
while the optimizer completely remove the test.
GDC does a cmp,0 for the first test and then a xor 1+test
unoptimized but when optimizing it only does first condition with
a TEST AL,AL but then prints always the second string.
> Output:
> -----------------
> dead
> -----------------
> Truly, DMD's backend is in the bright future of strange and
> wonderful quantum effects, whereas LDC is clearly still stuck
> in the antiquated classical past. ;-)
Sorry, but undefined behaviour is undefined behaviour. The dmd
code generator is not at fault here.
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