Why do you continue to use D?

aberba karabutaworld at gmail.com
Sat Jun 13 07:21:32 UTC 2020

On Friday, 12 June 2020 at 19:29:09 UTC, Meta wrote:
> On Thursday, 11 June 2020 at 20:21:12 UTC, aberba wrote:
>> On Thursday, 11 June 2020 at 18:00:51 UTC, Meta wrote:
>>> On Thursday, 11 June 2020 at 13:18:58 UTC, Jesse Phillips 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I think D is fine for the scripts we tend to have and if 
>>>> every was fluent/enjoying D, I could see time taken to 
>>>> implement something in D. But I'm working with QA and 
>>>> developers which don't appear to be doing it for the joys of 
>>>> programming.
>>> Good point. It's been said many times before, but the people 
>>> who use D the most and post on this mailing list are a 
>>> self-selected group that, by definition, are outside the norm.
>> I don't think the core team wants it to remain this way. 
>> Unless D is fine staying this way for another 10yrs. By then 
>> we'll all be gone.
>> <snip>
> I *think* we're in agreement here. I just wanted to correct 
> your inference that I meant some kind of "elite" super hackers 
> when I said that the people posting on this list are a 
> "self-selected group". What I meant is that the people who 
> generally post on this mailing list are by definition not 
> average programmers, in that they don't just learn the popular 
> languages/frameworks you need to know to get a job and stick to 
> those; they go out of their way to use more obscure and 
> possibly experimental languages out of a joy for programming 
> and/or taking new and interesting approaches to problems.

I guess that's you speaking for yourself. And then are you saying 
those again special programmers don't care about the ecosystem 
experience and are willing to live whatever it is.

> being said, a lot of the people who post here are far and away 
> some of the best programmers I've ever seen,

Best is debatable. Are back-end devs better than frontend? Are 
systems programmers better than web devs?

I don't doubt the are people who think they are smarter just 
because they find themselves in a certain domain. And that only 
their needs matter.

  Again, read through the experience and go through the dub 
repository, you see how all kinds of people use D.

Is D popular? No, not even close.
Is it the best to get to job done, it's dependence (at least for 
me)...ecosystem wise, No.
Does D have the best modeling power? Yes

Again this is not about popularity. The thing is if you've never 
experienced something like the rust community or python community 
or JavaScript, you'll never get this I'm trying to say. The power 
of a bigger community.

and I've learned a
> great deal just being involved with D in some small capacity.
We both have.

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