std.v2020.algorithm etc[ WAS: Is run.d going to be expand for runtime and the phobos library?]
Andrei Alexandrescu
SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Sat Jun 13 19:52:16 UTC 2020
On 6/13/20 3:42 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> On 6/13/20 4:30 AM, Seb wrote:
>> I myself consider Phobos as low priority to maintain as it's basically
>> frozen/dead code.
> I was wondering what would be the drawbacks of defining an ultra-simple
> convention for versions of the standard library - with yearly
> granularity. Not being an expert in versioning I've always been coy to
> mention it, but how about trying it instead of the current stalemate.
> After all C++ does it (both with 3-year language versions and with
> things like std::tr1, std::tr2 etc) and it has a more dangerous
> modularity mechanism.
> D's modularity is, or should be, rock solid. So then we could simply
> define "vYEAR" as versions of standard library modules. So:
> // import the backward-compatible lib
> import std.algorithm;
> // import this year's algorithm with breaking changes
> import std.v2020.algorithm;
> // live dangerously, import work-in-progress
> import std.v2020.algorithm;
Eh, meant v2021 here.
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