Tagged unions [Was: What's wrong with std.variant.Variant?]
ajieskola at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 16:06:15 UTC 2020
On Monday, 15 June 2020 at 12:41:03 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
> I'm not sure what you mean by 'base class.' Are you referring
> to the lack of built-in support for named members? It would not
> be terribly difficult to add a syntax for named SumType members
> similar to std.typecons.Tuple, so that you could write
I understood correctly, SumType automatically implements the
member functions that all the member types do. In that regard it
becomes a kind of base class for all the types specified. Thats
also what the `TaggedAlgebraic` types of the Taggedalgebraic
package (as opposed to `TaggedUnion`s) does IIRC.
But as you can imagine, it isn't necessarily a good thing for my
`PictureSize` example. Consider `aPictureSize[1] += 10;`. If I
did that, it is unlikely that I wanted to add 10 to picture
height, regardless of the units. More likely scenario is that I
forgot to specify the units I'm assuming `PictureSize` to be in.
Thus, I prefer a compiler error when it happens.
> ...and have SumType take care of all the `Typedef` stuff for
> you. So far I've held off on it because I figured it was easy
> enough already to do by hand, but if this is a feature that a
> lot of people want, I can certainly add it.
I think it's just about how you think about the type tag. If you
think it just as an internal bookkeeper of what type is in, your
current design is good. But if you want to base program logic
directly on the tag value, then you get the opinions I have.
Check Rust's `enum` types, they are a perfect example of my
school of thought.
So if you want, you could do like Taggedalgebraic and have two
types, one for each school. On the other hand, there is nothing
wrong in just picking the audience and let others look for
something else.
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