Discussion Thread: DIP 1035-- at system Variables--Community Review Round 1
dkorpel at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 15:58:01 UTC 2020
On Wednesday, 17 June 2020 at 14:27:17 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu
> The crux of the matter is that forgetting to add @system to
> that variable makes @safe code do unsafe things with no
> diagnostic for the compiler. That's a problem with the safety
> system, regardless of the adoption of this DIP. We can't say
> "@safe D code is safe, except of course if you forget to insert
> @system on key variables, in which case it won't be with no
> warning.
Forgetting a @system annotation does not allow you to break @safe
with DIP 1035. Let's take this example:
int* x = cast(int*) 0x0F48;
void main() @safe {
*x = 3;
This compiles today. With DIP 1035, x would be _inferred_
@system. Marking it @safe would be an error, marking it @system
would be redundant. If the initializer for x were `null`, it
would be inferred @safe, but that's okay. Variable `x` won't
break a @safe main without bad @trusted or exploiting @safe bugs.
> Coming from the other side: assume all bugs in @safe mentioned
> in the DIP are fixed (as they should anyway) - the question is
> what would be the usefulness of it then.
This DIP *is* a fix for those bugs, for which there is no obvious
solution. The idea is to have a consistent design, instead of
having a list of small enhancements and hole plugs that are
half-baked. Notice the trend here:
- https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18554 (does not solve
union/array casts, undone by 15371, spawns your issue)
- https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19646 (incomplete
solution, spawns 20347)
- https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19968 (incomplete
solution, spawns 20148)
So let's say we fix those second round bugs like you suggest,
which I will call 'bug fix':
import std.bigint;
BigInt x = BigInt(10);
void main() @safe {
x *= 2;
// now: compiles, no problem
// DIP 1035: compiles iff BigInt constructor is @safe, which
it is
// 'bug fix': error: x cannot be assumed to have a safe value
import std.experimental.checkedint;
void foo(int[] x) @safe {
auto data = cast(Checked!int[]) x;
// now: compiles, no problem
// DIP 1035: compiles, no problem
// 'bug fix': error: Checked!int has private members that are
implicitly set
Ideally, programmers now:
- add @trusted blocks, albeit redundant
- review their entire modules
Pessimistically, programmers:
- just leave things @system
- add @trusted on too large scopes
- make members needlessly public
- make their JSON serializer work on private fields with a custom
UDA that signals trusted access, of which some people think it's
bad @trusted and other's won't, furthering the discussion
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