refInt = ref int: how to achieve this? or is this a bug?

mw mingwu at
Wed Jun 17 23:24:32 UTC 2020

On Wednesday, 17 June 2020 at 23:09:55 UTC, Stanislav Blinov 
>> it's the compiler's bug not rejecting it, given it's current 
>> semantics; instead it *silently* treat alias `ref int` as 
>> `int`.
> It is both. In your code, for trying to use `ref` as a type 
> qualifier when it is not (see [1] for type qualifiers), and in

Given the current language semantics, right, it shouldn't be 

But it make the code so complex / ugly to write:


void foo(T)(auto ref T v) if (is(T : int) == __traits(isRef, v)) 


f(    T) /*more static if here*/ { /*potential dup code here*/ }
f(ref T) /*more static if here*/ { /*potential dup code here*/ }

I would call for improvement.

> the compiler, for not issuing an error.
> [1]

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