A few questions
Andrei Alexandrescu
SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.com
Fri Jun 19 14:41:58 UTC 2020
On 6/19/20 9:44 AM, Chris wrote:
> On Thursday, 11 June 2020 at 14:04:47 UTC, Chris wrote:
>> I have a few questions I hope somebody from the D Language Foundation
>> can answer. Here they are:
>> 1. The website dlang.org states the following
>> (https://dlang.org/foundation/about.html)
>> The officers of the D Language Foundation are:
>> • Walter Bright, President
>> • Tudor Andrei Cristian Alexandrescu, Vice President and Treasurer
>> • Ali Çehreli, Secretary
>> Is this information still accurate? Wasn’t Attila Neves to hold one of
>> the positions above?
>> 2. Is there an overview or an annual financial report where donators
>> and contributors can see what the money is used for?
>> 3. Has the page https://dlang.org/orgs-using-d.html been updated, i.e.
>> are there any newcomers or are there any companies that are still
>> listed but have actually stopped using D?
>> 4. Are there plans for D3, i.e. a version of D that will get rid of
>> old baggage and keep the great features, and will also come with state
>> of the art tooling?
>> Thank you very much!
> No answer from the D Language Foundation? Walter, Andrei, Ali, Atila
> (?), Mike Parker (?)?
Thanks for asking. These are reasonable questions to ask; however, your
posting history has caused us concern that this is a provocation. Once
we reply in any way, the answer can be used to pick a fight (I don't
agree with this policy, I demand more information on that etc), all
framed as an exchange that we must engage in lest we have shady things
to hide. We don't. Also we can't commit to hanging out on the forums and
satisfactorily engage with anyone with an Internet connection and a zest
for stirring stuff up.
That said, even a provocation may embed good ideas. Some of our
documentation is publicly accessible by law. Of course more details are
better for our existing and prospective donors. We have long looked into
providing detailed reports on the use of financing (we also did some in
the past vision documents), the main difficulty being finding the time
to compile the information. Mike is working on that. The answers to 1,
2, and 4 are as expected - no change, updated as per our knowledge, and no.
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