dub test errors during linking for struct with uninstantiated templated opEquals

Per Nordlöw per.nordlow at gmail.com
Sun Jun 21 12:42:11 UTC 2020

When a module containing

module nxt.rational;

Rational!(I1) rational(I1, I2)(I1 , I2)
     return typeof(return)();

struct Rational(Int)
     bool opEquals(Rhs)(Rhs _) {}

@nogc unittest
     auto _ = rational(1, 2);

is used as the sole module of a dub project then `dub test` fails 

.dub/build/phobos-next-test-library-unittest-linux.posix-x86_64-dmd_2092-06C9DAF60B64114484B3FE9AC9866D5F/phobos-next-test-library.o:src/nxt/rational.d:_D40TypeInfo_S3nxt8rational__T8RationalTiZQm6__initZ: error: undefined reference to '_D6object10_xopEqualsFMxPvMxQeZb'

When I remove

     bool opEquals(Rhs)(Rhs _) {}

the error goes away.

I'm suspecting this is a bug in dmd that fails to correctly check 
if a struct has its templated `opEquals` instantiated.

For a complete minimal sample project see


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