Which Dub packages are you using?

aberba karabutaworld at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 00:35:42 UTC 2020

So I've been doing a tour of dub packages to see whats we've got. 
I must says here's quite a lot to go through and not everything 
falls within my comfort zone.

Please help me know the ones you really like and why.

Here are some I like:

Vibe-d, works exactly as how I'm used to from other framework. 
Has fair rich modules and ecosystem of supported extensions on 
dub. Has got a clean API and fairly good docs.

Requests, honestly its the best I've come across for HTTP 

Mysql-native, was previously into MySQL-lited but this looks much 
cleaner with a linear flow.

Arsd, by Adam. Just works. Same APIs designs. Well maintained. 
Few dependencies.

Botan, cus its the only one with rich encryption and hashing 
algos. It often breaks but it's what I've got. Its quite capable 

Dxml, I don't do much XML these days but its probably the most 
powerful. I like the clean API and docs too.

Gtkd, its the best on Linux I've used. Considering I use a GTK+ 
based DE

Quick mentions
dlib, dlib-*
hunt-*, seriously love the hunt ecosystem and energy

BindBC-*, don't use them directly but almost every graphics 
package on dub uses it. So indirect benefit.
GraphQL-d, seriously, it looks feature rich. Looking to try some 
graqhQL these days. Glad this one exists.

What's your selection?

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