Why Phobos is cool
H. S. Teoh
hsteoh at quickfur.ath.cx
Fri Jun 26 05:39:59 UTC 2020
On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 03:02:20AM +0000, Jordan Wilson via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> I don't think I'm a good enough programmer to know that Phobos is bad.
> import std.stdio;
> import std.algorithm;
> import std.range;
> import std.conv : to;
> and I'm a happy man!
These days, if you use a recent compiler, it's even easier:
import std;
And off you go. :-P
Only catch is, sometimes you might run into some unfortunate name
conflicts within Phobos (e.g., std.file.remove vs.
std.algorithm.remove). But for the most part, it's very convenient for
one-off scripts.
Even better yet, I've recently acquired the taste for one-line D
programs using `dmd -i -run -`, and a lot of these take advantage of
`import std;` for its conciseness:
# Why go through the trouble of creating an entire project just
# to print Hello World? Just do it in a single line:
echo 'import std;void main(){writeln("Hello world");}' | dmd -run -
# What's the value of PI again? Easy:
echo 'import std;pragma(msg, PI);' | dmd -o- -
# Test a single line of code to see if it works
echo 'import std;void main(){writeln([1,2,3].canFind(1));}' | dmd -run -
And also, one-line tests of code in the current directory tree:
# What's the type of that obscure symbol in module 'mymod'
# again?
echo 'import mymod;pragma(msg, typeof(mymod.someSymbol));' | dmd -i -o- -
# Does function myFun actually work with float arguments??
echo 'import mymod;pragma(msg, is(typeof(myFun(3.14f))));' | dmd -i -o- -
# What does function myFun return in this case?
echo 'import mymod;void main(){writeln(myFun(3.14f));}' | dmd -i -run -
Or generate complex output for other programs using the expressive power
of D code:
# Generate test data for some external program
echo 'import std;void main(){writeln(iota(0.0, 100.0).map!(x=>sin(x)).filter!(x=>x > 0.5));}' | dmd -run - | sort
Maybe we should have a Most Useful One-Line D Program contest. :-P
People say I'm arrogant, and I'm proud of it.
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