Which Dub packages are you using?

Claude claudemr at live.fr
Fri Jun 26 14:11:07 UTC 2020

On Friday, 26 June 2020 at 00:35:42 UTC, aberba wrote:
> What's your selection?

I also use BindBC (and was using previously Derelict) for 
bindings with OpenGL, SDL, GLFW, etc. It does the job, and it 
does it well.

I was using dlib for matrix/vector/quaternion stuff, and I moved 
to GFM (because its API is @safe if I remember correctly, and 
also because it's french iseroise technology ;) ).

I also use Pegged, Erupted (Vulkan bindings), dpp (hacking it to 
be able to parse Dear-Imgui header file).

I'd also love to say I use arsd, mir, reggae and many more, but I 
don't due to lack of time and opportunity. But those are like 
latin poetry: you don't have to understand what it means to know 
it's good.

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