How I use D

Robert M. Münch robert.muench at
Tue Jun 30 07:40:23 UTC 2020

On 2020-06-29 09:09:14 +0000, Cym13 said:

> For the same reason I am a huge advocate of battery-included stdlib. I 
> know many are of the opinion of moving as much as possible from Phobos 
> into dub.  For me any library that isn't in dub is one more library I 
> have to evaluate, try, keep track of when they update. It's lost time.

That's a very important point.

Most companies I know are using a language with batteries included 
(even if it's not optimal), to reduce operational hassles. Minimum but 
powerful libs... External dependencies are the Corona-Virus of software 

Robert M. Münch
smarter | better | faster

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