D enters Tiobe top 20

SrMordred patric.dexheimer at gmail.com
Wed Mar 11 13:40:08 UTC 2020

On Tuesday, 10 March 2020 at 18:03:31 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:

> https://github.com/atilaneves/dpp

Hello Atila, i think u missed some part of the discussion where I 
cited dpp ;)

My point was that, although i love dpp project, it doenst feel 
part of the D lang.
Its an external project that first comers on the language will 
just not see, its not yet completly reliable (but work in most 
cases!),and have some external work to do: create a .dpp file, 
include the headers that what u, compile/generate binds. All this 
process feels external to the D language. And although u can make 
things works, these are little frictions that build up until 
people start to look for alternatives. (Zig is way more friendly 
in this area for example. People that are switching from C will 
find that Zig C interop is very pleasant in comparisson with D).

Its my opinion that if D want to grab a bigger portion of the 
"low level" market, it should focus on DPP development + 
seamlessly integration with the D and/or Dub + a better BetterC 

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