Is it time for D 3.0?

JN 666total at
Fri Mar 27 22:11:40 UTC 2020

On Friday, 27 March 2020 at 20:25:14 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> There's already dfix.  Does it not work well enough?  What are 
> the issues the prevent us > from using it in general?

I didn't even know it exists. Guess you learn something every 
day. I guess the question would be, why can't we use dfix to 
prevent breakages in case of simple deprecations.

> Honestly, I think this whole no-GC thing is just barking up the 
> wrong tree. People who have GC phobia will turn off as soon as 
> they see "GC", doesn't matter if you can actually write D 
> without GC or not.

I agree.
> As for compiling to WASM, isn't LDC already doing that, or on 
> the way to doing that?
> T

Well, just as with nogc. Many questions in D are answered with 
"Yeah, but...". My understanding is that LDC can compile to WASM, 
but only in betterC mode, runtime (and GC) don't work under WASM 
(this might change in the future with the Spasm effort). But from 
a bystander perspective betterC isn't acceptable enough of a 

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