More evidence that memory safety is the future for programming languages
j at
Mon Mar 30 19:25:53 UTC 2020
On Saturday, 28 March 2020 at 20:24:02 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> Fitting in with the push for @safe as the default, and the
> @live Ownership/Borrowing system for D.
> We can either get on the bus or get run over by the bus.
Why is this news?
Clang has had this for a decade, and it certainly wasn't the
first. If there is a bus, it's left the station a very long time
Isn't it more interesting to find a comprehensive resource
management solution, instead of working on a solution only for
the special case of memory [*]. A double file close is also bad,
for example.
Maybe RAII and move semantics isn't it, but at least it doesn't
single out one type of resource.
[*] Let alone the even more special case of functions with the
exact symbol names "malloc" and "free" in this case...
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