On type functions
Max Samukha
maxsamukha at gmail.com
Sun May 3 21:14:43 UTC 2020
On Sunday, 3 May 2020 at 09:35:34 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:
> string NameOfField(alias T, size_t fIdx)
> {
> assert(is(typeof(T.tupleof), T.stringof ~ " has no .tupleof
> property maybe it's not an aggregate?");
> return __traits(identifier, T.tupleof[fIdx]);
> }
> string structToString(T)(T struct_)
> {
> char[] result;
> result ~= __traits(identifier, T) ~ " :: {\n";
> foreach(fIdx, field; struct_.tupleof)
> {
> result ~= NameOfField!(T, fIdx) ~ " : "; // looks like
> a templates but it's not!
> }
> }
Cool! Does it mean the following will work?
alias[] map(alias f, alias[] a) {
alias[] r;
foreach (e; a)
r ~= f!e; // can we?
return r;
enum isType(alias a) = is(a);
static assert([map!(isType, AliasSeq!(1, int, "meh"))] == [false,
true, false]);
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