Embedding run.dlang.io - allowed?

WebFreak001 d.forum at webfreak.org
Thu May 7 07:03:43 UTC 2020


I would like to write a blog entry and include some small D 
snippets in it. I think it would be great if readers of my blog 
could experiment and edit the code right inside the website if 
they feel like it.

This would
1) help validate the code snippets are up-to-date
2) increase engagement with users
3) possibly increase users interested in D because they can 
quickly try it out

I saw the dlang tour has an API for doing the compilation, but is 
it allowed to use it for third party sites? For the few visitors 
I get anyway I would like to avoid hosting and maintaining what 
is basically "remote code execution as a service". To keep it 
secure I would obviously need to rent a new server for this or 
spin up cloud servers per API, so I would rather avoid that while 
I can.

I would also like to release the blog engine source code for this 
so anyone can make a blog with embedded D code (and possible 
future editor feature integrations) - so I wouldn't want an 
individual permission just for my blog!


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