Discussion Thread: DIP 1034--Add a Bottom Type (reboot)--Community Review Round 1
wolframw at protonmail.com
Thu May 7 14:49:39 UTC 2020
On Thursday, 7 May 2020 at 13:45:41 UTC, Dennis wrote:
> Do you have a particular language you'd like to see compared?
Even though it's not a systems programming language, Scala could
be a good example. Scala has a notoriously strict and
sophisticated type system that is very much inspired by type
theory: There is a top type called "Any" (which is a supertype of
every other type), a bottom type called "Nothing" (which is a
subtype of every other type), and void type is referred to as
"Unit". (see [1] for a diagram of Scala's type system)
In Scala, "Nothing" is a non-instantiable type that is used for
anything that doesn't return. Conceptually it appears to be very
similar to what is envisioned in the DIP.
Here are a few "Nothing" examples:
val foo = throw new Exception(); // compiles; `foo` will have
type `Nothing`
// `foo` will never be assigned
def bar(n: Int): String = {
n match {
case 1 => "one"
case 2 => "two"
// note that even though the return type is `String`, the
following is
// valid because `Nothing` is a subtype of `String` (and
every other type)
case _ => throw new Exception() // `case _` is
equivalent to `default` in D
// alternatively, `assert(false)` would give a similar
// `case _ => Nothing` would NOT work because `Nothing`
is non-instantiable
val baz = () => throw new Exception()
// type of baz is Function0[Nothing]
// meaning: a nullary function that returns `Nothing` (i.e.
doesn't return at all)
As one would expect, the Scala standard library uses "Nothing" as
the return type of its exit and error functions: see [2] (notice
the hack in exit: Since Java's System.exit returns void -- or
"Unit" in Scala lingo -- the exit function throws, just so its
return type can be "Nothing")
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