Website builds are failing randomly
Vladimir Panteleev
thecybershadow.lists at
Mon May 11 18:54:27 UTC 2020
See e.g.:
The build fails because DMD fails to find the file
I can reproduce the problem with:
digger build --with=website "master @ 2020-05-11 00:00:00"
The failing command is:
.generated/stable_dmd-2.088.0/dmd2/linux/bin64/dub build
It does fail when ran directly.
With -v, we can see that Dub runs the following DMD command:
.generated/stable_dmd-2.088.0/dmd2/linux/bin64/dmd -lib
-of../dmd/.dub/build/library-debug-linux.posix-x86_64-dmd_2088-C1FF438DE5BFDA6A0E1D57F660E41FFC/libdmd_parser.a -debug -g -w -version=NoBackend -version=GC -version=NoMain -version=MARS -version=DdocOptions -version=IsExecutable -version=Have_dmd_parser -version=Have_dmd_lexer -version=Have_dmd_root -I../dmd/src/ -J../dmd/generated/dub ../dmd/src/dmd/astbase.d ../dmd/src/dmd/parse.d ../dmd/src/dmd/permissivevisitor.d ../dmd/src/dmd/strictvisitor.d ../dmd/src/dmd/transitivevisitor.d -vcolumns
Note that it indeed does not contain the -J switch needed for DMD
to find default_ddoc_theme.ddoc. contains:
dependency "dmd" path="../../dmd"
and, ../../dmd/dub.sdl contains:
dependency ":frontend" version="*"
subPackage {
name "frontend"
stringImportPaths "res"
I don't see the problem. Seems to be a Dub bug?
Also worth noting that src/dmd/doc.d, the DMD file which performs
the string import, is never mentioned in dub.sdl.
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