I dun a DIP, possibly the best DIP ever

Q. Schroll qs.il.paperinik at gmail.com
Mon May 11 19:46:33 UTC 2020

On Friday, 8 May 2020 at 21:18:26 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> On Friday, 8 May 2020 at 20:53:39 UTC, Q. Schroll wrote:
>>     alias Tup = Tuple!(int, long);
> This is just a struct, the ... shouldn't do anything to it 
> (probably should be a syntax error).

It surely is a struct, but it's a struct with an alias-this to a 
tuple of the kind you're discussing. That's what my question was 

> The ... thing is all about compiler tuples which are 
> unfortunately named the same but totally separate to library 
> tuples.

I surely can distinguish a language construct from an aggregate 
type defined in the library. It's not about the library type! I 
wasn't fooled by the nomenclature, you were.

You all (maybe with exception of Timon Gehr) got me all wrong. My 
question wasn't about std.typecons.Tuple per se. It was about 
alias-this. I used std.typecons.Tuple as a well known example of 
an aggregate type with an alias-this to a tuple (tuple in the 
sense you're discussing all the time). See the reference now?


     struct S(Ts...)
         Ts variables;
         alias variables this;

     void f(int, long);

     auto obj = S!(int, long)(1, 2L);

Now, per the DIP, will `f( (obj+5)... )` rewrite to 
`f(obj.variables[0]+5, obj.variables[1]+5))` by going through S's 
`alias variables this` or would it just ignore alias this 

Is it better formulated, now that I'm not using an example quite 
many people here are familiar with?

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