REG master, control character in DMD output even if piped
Basile B.
b2.temp at
Mon May 11 22:33:16 UTC 2020
just open a console in your terminal, put a typo in a source to
get an error (for example line 792 of declaration.d, rename
isOverDeclaration -> isOveDeclaration) and
$ make -f posix.mak > a.out
I get things like
> ERROR: [1mdmd/declaration.d(792): [1;31mError: [mno property
> [0;36m[m[1misOveDeclaration[0;36m[m for type
> [0;36m[m[1mdmd[0;36m.[m[1mdsymbol[0;36m.[m[1mDsymbol[0;36m[m, did you mean [0;36m[m[1mdmd[0;36m.[m[1mdsymbol[0;36m.[m[1mDsymbol[0;36m.[m[1misOverDeclaration[0;36m[m?
Not good.
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