Discussion Thread: DIP 1030--Named Arguments--Final Review
Timon Gehr
timon.gehr at gmx.ch
Tue May 19 08:03:40 UTC 2020
On 19.05.20 10:01, Timon Gehr wrote:
> On 19.05.20 04:35, Arine wrote:
>> On Tuesday, 19 May 2020 at 01:07:38 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
>>> On 19.05.20 02:05, Arine wrote:
>>>> On Sunday, 17 May 2020 at 13:25:35 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
>>>>> On 14.05.20 07:57, Walter Bright wrote:
>>>>>> Besides, if you really don't want your users to use the parameter
>>>>>> names,
>>>>>> int foo(int _dkfjjiufheuehgthu, long
>>>>>> _yer_mother_was_a_hamster, double _I_did_not_read_the_documentation);
>>>>>> and I bet they'll get the message.
>>>>> Or you can just use `int foo(int, long, double);`.
>>>> Not that useful for open source code (the majority of D). Don't
>>>> think I even know of or have used a single library that only
>>>> provides .di files.
>>> int foo(int, long, double){
>>> return cast(int)(_param_0+_param_1+_param_2);
>>> }
>> And that's better for readability? Both methods are equally as bad.
>> That one may be worse because it is an undocumented "feature".
> I am not sure what your point is. Are you trying to argue that the
> suggestion is on the same level or worse than the originally proposed
> int foo(int _dkfjjiufheuehgthu, long _yer_mother_was_a_hamster, double
> _I_did_not_read_the_documentation);
> ?
> If that is not your point, I think we have nothing to discuss.
Actually, even if that is your point, I don't think we will reach an
agreement, nor would it be important to do so.
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