Improving the D documentation web presentation
WebFreak001 at
Wed May 27 07:22:05 UTC 2020
On Wednesday, 27 May 2020 at 06:38:46 UTC, Andre Pany wrote:
> On Monday, 25 May 2020 at 16:12:14 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu
> wrote:
>> On 5/25/20 9:56 AM, WebFreak001 wrote:
>>> What is your thought on the current ddox and ddoc
>>> documentation? Which one do you like and/or use more?
>> Lots of chatter about that over the years. I grew to
>> appreciate having both options. (We're not alone, e.g. GNU
>> does the same.)
> Unfortunately while searching for `dlang spawnShell` or
> similar, the first hit on google is
> The function description is not that good:
> Pid spawnShell (
> scope const(char)[] command,
> File stdin = makeGlobal(),
> File stdout = makeGlobal(),
> File stderr = makeGlobal(),
> scope const(string[string]) env =
> cast(const(string[string]))null,
> Config config = cast(Config)0,
> scope const(char)[] workDir = null,
> scope string shellPath = nativeShell()
> ) @trusted;
> comparing to
> @trusted Pid spawnShell(scope const(char)[] command, File stdin
> = std.stdio.stdin, File stdout = std.stdio.stdout, File stderr
> = std.stdio.stderr, scope const string[string] env = null,
> Config config = Config.none, scope const(char)[] workDir =
> null, scope string shellPath = nativeShell);
> As I know this issue, I refuse to use the first hit on google,
> but for other users, this
> is quite confusing / disturbing I assume.
> Kind regards
> André
oh yep you are right, the values are quite a mess. I just
searched for "dlang run program" as I would imagine some newcomer
might do. After "Run D program locally - Dlang Tour" the second
link is
auto Tuple!(int,"status",string,"output") execute (
scope const(char[])[] args,
const(string[string]) env = cast(const(string[string]))null,
Config config = cast(Config)0,
ulong maxOutput = 18446744073709551615LU,
scope const(char)[] workDir = null
) @trusted;
auto Tuple!(int,"status",string,"output") execute (
scope const(char)[] program,
const(string[string]) env = cast(const(string[string]))null,
Config config = cast(Config)0,
ulong maxOutput = 18446744073709551615LU,
scope const(char)[] workDir = null
) @trusted;
Compared to
@trusted auto execute(scope const(char[])[] args, const
string[string] env = null, Config config = Config.none, size_t
maxOutput = size_t.max, scope const(char)[] workDir = null);
@trusted auto execute(scope const(char)[] program, const
string[string] env = null, Config config = Config.none, size_t
maxOutput = size_t.max, scope const(char)[] workDir = null);
@trusted auto executeShell(scope const(char)[] command, const
string[string] env = null, Config config = Config.none, size_t
maxOutput = size_t.max, scope const(char)[] workDir = null,
string shellPath = nativeShell);
Things I would like to see improved on the documentation page in
- use structured standard sections (See_Also, Examples)
- maybe automatically generate See_Also from mentioned symbols
- maybe a copy of the module documentation? It's exactly what I
had searched for (see
and I think it would improve discovery in the ddox style
documentation. Some module documentation might need to be
adjusted and general examples should probably be omitted.
- we need much more full examples per function! Compare this to
the C# documentation which has like examples for every property
of commonly used types.
- to avoid code duplication for this, we need some way to embed
examples or other documentation as references inside documentation
Also as an example for a better documented signature of that
execute function to show to a beginner I would suggest:
auto Tuple!(int,"status", string,"output") execute(
scope const(char[])[] args,
const string[string] env = null,
Config config = Config.none,
ulong maxOutput = size_t.max,
scope const(char)[] workDir = null
) @trusted;
auto Tuple!(int,"status", string,"output") execute(
scope const(char)[] program,
const string[string] env = null,
Config config = Config.none,
ulong maxOutput = size_t.max,
scope const(char)[] workDir = null
) @trusted;
* fixed the default values (made them like in the ddoc docs)
* made const for an entire type format like scope (I think it's
more obvious what it means in a formatted context like this)
* horizontally aligned scope/const/in/out, type, argument name,
default value
* horizontally aligned across all definitions
* special formatting for Tuple because it's a common type
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