How templates work (1)
thomas.bockman at
Fri May 29 22:31:54 UTC 2020
On Friday, 29 May 2020 at 21:53:33 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:
> I haven't seen staticSort so far.
> I shall have a look at it.
Your type function project, newCTFE, and the ability for the
compiler to discard intermediate results in CTFE would, combined,
enable meta algorithms that scale reasonably, I think. The
ability to mark templates (or maybe specific instantiations?)
@noMemo to disable memoization would be another approach.
Anyway, here's some test code I wrote:
import std.meta, std.random, std.stdio;
immutable(int[]) randomItems(int n) pure @trusted nothrow {
auto rand = Xorshift(n);
int[] ret = new int[n];
for(size_t x = 0; x < n; ++x) {
ret[x] = rand.front;
return cast(immutable) ret;
struct S(int _x) { enum int x = _x; }
enum int X(S) = S.x;
template less(A, B) { enum bool less = A.x < B.x; }
alias boom = staticSort!(less, staticMap!(S,
void main()
writeln([ staticMap!(X, boom) ]);
> The weka fork of ldc has a dynamically configure-able recursion
> limit.
> And dmd can be trivially patched to take it as a runtime option
> as well.
> Just in case you do want to see what happens if you hit the
> _real_ limit ;)
I have actually hit the real limit by accident before; that's how
I discovered that it's possible to crash my operating system just
by burning too much memory in user space. It's also why I now
have 32 GB of RAM on my workstation. :-)
For anyone else having trouble with out-of-memory related crashes
on Linux, I recommend replacing dmd in your PATH with a script
like this to prevent the OS from crashing:
(using ulimit -v $MAX_MEMORY_IN_KB; /path/to/dmd $@)
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