Phobos, Unittests, and Symlinks
starcanopy at
Sat Nov 7 21:36:30 UTC 2020
Disclaimer: I'm quite sleep-deprived at the moment, so please
bear with me: the wording could be awkward.
At the moment, std.file.symlink (and, by extension, readLink) is
only implemented for POSIX systems. There is an issue open to add
Windows support, and since only Vista and later iterations are
supported (IIRC), then including a Windows version is a rather
low-effort task. However, Windows necessitates that one confers
administrative rights to the process calling the pertinent WinAPI
function. (In Windows 10, you may enable Developer Mode and pass
a flag to the function.) Therefore, given unittests for these
functions' Windows versions, anyone who wants to test Phobos on
and for Windows must escalate the process. I'm assuming this also
extends to the CI pipelines' Windows hosts. I have a few ideas as
to how to go about this, but I'm interested in hearing whether
what I wrote is sufficient enough to close the issue outright.
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