safety: null checks

Ola Fosheim Grøstad ola.fosheim.grostad at
Tue Nov 24 10:14:22 UTC 2020

On Tuesday, 24 November 2020 at 08:47:03 UTC, Patrick Schluter 
> I introduced the expression "trap representation" from the C 
> standard (and I specified explicitly the context I said "null 
> is not a trap representation as a C standard would call it.").
> Understanding this as meaning the 68000 trap# instruction can 
> only be done either in bad faith, either from stupidity*. 
> Choose your case.

Another note, please stop assuming what people are trying to 
cause harm to you. It is not productive.

In case there is any doubt: I wrote "trap" with then intent of 
referring to a hardware exception. You seemed to read that in a 
more general sense and brought in the C standard, which is not 
relevant. So I can only assume that my intent was not conveyed as 
clearly as I wanted therefore I tried to make it clear. I 
apologize if you take offense by my attempt to make my intent 

The C standard terminology is actually of no relevance when 
discussing the wording of the D spec: The pointee (object) is not 
valid for a null pointer, so it is indeed invalid (the pointee 

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