TypeFunction example creatiing a conversion matrix
Adam D. Ruppe
destructionator at gmail.com
Fri Oct 2 03:26:57 UTC 2020
On Friday, 2 October 2020 at 03:11:34 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:
> - doesn't work for -betterC
This is trivially easy to fix. Wrap the function in a template
and use an eponymous enum to collapse it to a literal:
template makeConvMatrix(T...) { // wrapper added
string helper()
string result;
static foreach(t; T)
result ~= "\t" ~ t.stringof;
result ~= "\n";
static foreach(t1; T)
result ~= t1.stringof;
static foreach(t2; T)
result ~= "\t" ~ (is(t1:t2) ? "yes" : "no");
result ~= "\n";
return result;
enum makeConvMatrix = helper(); // eponymous call
extern(C) // for betterC
void main()
import core.stdc.stdio;
static immutable convMatrix = makeConvMatrix!(byte, ubyte,
short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong); // no more () there
printf("%s\n", convMatrix.ptr);
Generates a reasonably small executable too (this pattern btw is
what my change to dmd a couple months ago is able to recognize):
$ ls -lh bc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 me users 19K Oct 1 23:19 bc
$ ls -lh bc.o
-rw-r--r-- 1 me users 2.4K Oct 1 23:19 bc.o
$ nm bc.o
0000000000000000 t
0000000000000000 D _D2bc4mainUZ10convMatrixyAa
0000000000000000 r _TMP0
0000000000000000 W main
U printf
Which is identical to if I delete the template from the source
entirely and just replace it with a string literal. Nothing of it
is emitted to the object file, so the linker doesn't even have to
strip it.
Worth noting that not all cases work out this well. But this one
actually does.
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