-preview=in might break code
Andrei Alexandrescu
SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Sat Oct 3 18:36:57 UTC 2020
On 10/3/20 12:56 PM, Mathias LANG wrote:
> On Saturday, 3 October 2020 at 13:05:43 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>> [...]
>> * This has been discussed in C++ circles a number of times, and
>> aliasing has always been a concern. If /C++/ deemed that too
>> dangerous... <insert broadside>. A much more explicit solution has
>> been implemented in
>> https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_66_0/libs/utility/call_traits.htm.
> I don't deny that aliasing can create issues that could be very hard to
> debug.
Cool. I hope we now agree there's evidence that such situations are not
just hypothetical.
> But the problem of aliasing is not limited to `in`: code that uses
> `const ref` (or a `const T` where `T` has indirection) can already
> misbehave if it doesn't take into account the possibility of parameter
> aliasing.
> To put it differently: Why is `auto ref` acceptable but `in` is not ?
A good point. I can tell for myself. First, binding to reference vs.
value is always reproducible the same regardless of platform
particulars. Granted, maintenance is liable to introduce puzzlers but
more of a first-order nature (change a call, get different resuts) as
opposed to a long-distance issue (add a field to the object, suddenly
unrelated code breaks - not to mention changes in compiler heuristics).
Second, the keyword "ref" is in there, which is a clear giveaway the
implementation code needs to expect that.
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