TypeFunction example: ImplictConvTargets
Stefan Koch
uplink.coder at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 5 11:44:34 UTC 2020
I've posted an incomplete version of a semantic translation of
ImplictConvTargets from a template into a type function.
After a few rather trivial fixes let me show you what the code
looks like now.
alias type = alias;
// needed to avoid deeper changes ... in the future it may be
auto makeAliasArray(type[] types ...)
return types;
enum basic_types = makeAliasArray(bool, ubyte, char, byte,
ushort, wchar, short, uint, dchar, int, ulong, long);
type[] convTargets(type T)
if (isBasicType(T))
return basicTypeConvTargets(T);
return null;
bool isBasicType(type T)
if (is(T == t))
return true;
return false;
type[] basicTypeConvTargets(type T)
type[] targets;
targets.length = basic_types.length;
assert(isBasicType(T), "You may not call this function when
you don't have a basic type ... (given: " ~ T.stringof ~ ")");
size_t n = 0;
if (is(T : t))
targets[n++] = t;
return targets[0 .. n];
// 42 lines including whitespace and comments
pragma(msg, convTargets(long)); // outputs [(ulong), (long)]
And again here is the part of the template that we just
static if (is(T == bool))
alias ImplicitConversionTargets =
AliasSeq!(byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint,
long, ulong, CentTypeList,
float, double, real, char, wchar, dchar);
else static if (is(T == byte))
alias ImplicitConversionTargets =
AliasSeq!(short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong,
float, double, real, char, wchar, dchar);
else static if (is(T == ubyte))
alias ImplicitConversionTargets =
AliasSeq!(short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong,
float, double, real, char, wchar, dchar);
else static if (is(T == short))
alias ImplicitConversionTargets =
AliasSeq!(int, uint, long, ulong, CentTypeList,
float, double, real);
else static if (is(T == ushort))
alias ImplicitConversionTargets =
AliasSeq!(int, uint, long, ulong, CentTypeList,
float, double, real);
else static if (is(T == int))
alias ImplicitConversionTargets =
AliasSeq!(long, ulong, CentTypeList, float, double,
else static if (is(T == uint))
alias ImplicitConversionTargets =
AliasSeq!(long, ulong, CentTypeList, float, double,
else static if (is(T == long))
alias ImplicitConversionTargets = AliasSeq!(float,
double, real);
else static if (is(T == ulong))
alias ImplicitConversionTargets = AliasSeq!(float,
double, real);
// part omitted because we don't have ucent and cent in our
else static if (is(T == char))
alias ImplicitConversionTargets =
AliasSeq!(wchar, dchar, byte, ubyte, short, ushort,
int, uint, long, ulong, CentTypeList,
float, double, real);
else static if (is(T == wchar))
alias ImplicitConversionTargets =
AliasSeq!(dchar, short, ushort, int, uint, long,
ulong, CentTypeList,
float, double, real);
else static if (is(T == dchar))
alias ImplicitConversionTargets =
AliasSeq!(int, uint, long, ulong, CentTypeList,
float, double, real);
// 41 lines including white-space and comments (only that
there is no white-space or comments)
I leave it up to you to decide which version is more
understandable and extendable (should we ever get another basic
type :))
As noted previously please do discuss!
Maybe you like the template version more?
Let me know.
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