Spell checking errors can be hilarious
Patrick Schluter
Patrick.Schluter at bbox.fr
Tue Oct 13 07:27:30 UTC 2020
On Tuesday, 13 October 2020 at 05:11:08 UTC, Andrew Edwards wrote:
> On Monday, 12 October 2020 at 17:04:01 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
>> The unfortunate thing in the video was 'to' is not searchable
>> on the internet and it took them a long time to figure out how
>> to use a to!string expression. :/
>> Ali
> I'm far from being the sharpest tool in the shed but a little
> common sense could have helped them quite a bit. Like knowing
> I'm searching for a particular construct in the D Language, I'd
> prefix my searches with dlang. In this particular case "dlang
> to!string" pulled up the solution as the first hit of the
> returned results.
> But to be honest, given a website with a search bar, I would
> never return to Google to search for anything I'd expect to
> find on that site. Or if I did, at the very least, I'd prefix
> my searches with site:dlang.org.
> Which reminds me, we need to include a search bar on
> tutor.dlang.org. It should point to the library by default and
> have the option to change to other sections of the site similar
> to the search feature on other pages on the site.
> Also, there are code samples throughout the site that provide a
> run button but does not import the appropriate modules to
> ensure successful compilation. I think that hurts more than
> watching those two guys pretending to be newbies to programming.
> Listening to the conversation those two were having, it is
> clear that they've been programming for a while. Maybe not in
> D, but they are actual programmers. This presentation caused
> some frustration since they were trying to act like they knew
> absolutely nothing about programming and did things I don't
> think even the most novice of programmers would do.
Indeed it was infuriating to see these clowns even finding the
right pages to their problems but not noticing because they
didn't bother to actually read the pages they consulted. RTFM!
(how to download the compiler? maybe by clicking on the
"download" menu entry, you fool. What are these 3 compilers?
Maybe read the description in front on them, you dummy)
Clicking and copy pasting randomly without even trying to read
stuff is not good process. It was a wonder that they even came as
far as they did when seeing their broken methodology.
We should also be wary to not cater too much on making the pages
fool proof, it will only breed better fools.
Sorry if it is a bit inflammatory but it was annoying to see
these two guys fumbling around like idiots where 30 seconds of
reading would have solved their issues. If that is the new normal
of post millenial programmers then may God (and I'm an atheist)
have mercy on us when all boomers have retired.
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