Postmortem: Template unittests are bad & you shouldn't catch Error
Steven Schveighoffer
schveiguy at
Thu Oct 22 14:36:11 UTC 2020
On 10/22/20 12:04 AM, Mathias LANG wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> As some of you may know, my company is developing a blockchain where the
> node is written solely in D (
> One of the reason to pick D was the ease of prototyping and the C++
> compatibility (we need to interface with modern C++ code, e.g. C++14 and
> 17).
> Since tests matters, we have developed a testing framework which use(d)
> `std.concurrency` to simulate a network in memory (1 thread == 1 node),
> which works *very well*.
> However, there was a little gotcha: When an error happens, the thread
> would crash, and we would get a timeout in the main thread, and
> sometimes would not be able to print the logs. We use Ocean's Logger,
> which is derived from Tango's, which allow to essentially set the
> output, and in test mode we set it to a large static array acting as a
> circular buffer.
> One of our developer was hit particularly hard by this while
> implementing a new feature, so added a bunch of `writeln`. After
> discussion with the team, the solution seemed obvious: Let's use
> `assertHandler` !
> For those of you not familiar with it, here is `assertHandler`'s
> documentation:
> It essentially allows to define a custom behavior on `assert`. It is
> slightly redundant with other facilities to do so, such as
> `-checkaction`, which allow to customize the behavior at the compiler
> level.
> That's when things went bad. Since we wanted a core dump, we added an
> `abort` in our handler, expecting that it will only trigger when we have
> bugs. And our tests started to fail. And that's where the rant begins.
> We got hit by this (reduced) stack trace:
> ```
> [/usr/local/Cellar/ldc/1.23.0/include/dlang/ldc/std/typecons.d:2979]
> Assertion thrown during test: Called `get' on null Nullable!int.
> ----------------
> ??:? nothrow void agora.test.Base.testAssertHandler(immutable(char)[],
> ulong, immutable(char)[]) [0x107807564]
> ??:? onAssertErrorMsg [0x10838ea21]
> ??:? _d_assert_msg [0x10838ee35]
> ??:? inout pure nothrow ref @property @nogc @safe inout(int)
> std.typecons.Nullable!(int).Nullable.get() [0x1079146d5]
> ??:? inout pure nothrow ref @property @nogc @safe inout(int)
> std.typecons.Nullable!(int).Nullable.get_() [0x107911958]
> ??:? pure nothrow @nogc @safe int
> std.typecons.Nullable!(immutable(char)[]).Nullable.__unittest_L2998_C13_1().__dgliteral1()
> [0x10791193c]
> ??:? pure void std.exception.assertThrown!(core.exception.AssertError,
> int).assertThrown(lazy int, immutable(char)[], immutable(char)[], ulong)
> [0x10791177b]
> ??:? pure void
> std.typecons.Nullable!(immutable(char)[]).Nullable.__unittest_L2998_C13_1()
> [0x1079116b8]
> ??:? agora.common.Serializer.__unittest [0x107bf97d8]
> ??:? void
> agora.test.Base.customModuleUnitTester().runTest(agora.test.Base.customModuleUnitTester().ModTest)
> [0x107807d46]
> ??:? core.runtime.UnitTestResult
> agora.test.Base.customModuleUnitTester() [0x10780712d]
> ```
> The failing test is this:
> There's so many things wrong here that I don't even know where to start.
> First, why on god's green earth are we putting unittests with explicit
> template instantiation inside a *template* ? `unittest` inside templates
> are a terrible "feature", and I've never seen a correct usage of it,
> which would be a unittest that relies on the user-instantiated instance
> to test that its expectation still holds.
I used it in dcollections quite a bit as a way to ensure all integer
based types were tested.
The advantage here is, I wanted to run the same tests on every integer
type. But I wanted the tests to be close to the functions they were testing.
But I think this can be done a different way, and it is *really* hard to
get this right. Plus, they are going to be run when you instantiate them
elsewhere, which is a problem.
> I'm pretty sure the rationale is "for documentation", and we should
> really re-think this, because those unittests are being run from *every
> single module that instantiate Nullable*. Actually, they are being run
> for *every instantiation of Nullable*.
Yeah, that is bad. This unittest should be moved outside the template.
> Second, as the title of the post says, *do not catch Error*. Catching
> `Error` is a sin, a crime, and every catch of `Error` derivative should
> have you outraged. It is in direct violation of the specs. And
> obviously, it's also incompatible with scheme that do not throw an `Error`.
I disagree with this. How would you test that the assert error is
thrown? It seems that your specific case is being hampered by this, but
can't you just look at the parameters to see whether you should handle
it or not? Like check the file/line and do the normal thing if it's from
> Another thing that contributed to our issue was that we didn't really
> knew where this instantiation came from. The module that we see in the
> stack trace, Serializer, has *no* reference to `Nullable`, and doesn't
> import `typecons`. It does import some other modules, so I'm
> conjecturing that the dependencies' unittests are executed first, but
> I'll take that up with the LDC team after I investigate.
> In any case, there's two things I really wish we fixed:
> - Either ban unittests in templates, deprecate them, or find a way to
> make this mistake hard to do;
What we need is a way to make a static unittest that serves to provide
documentation, but is run as if it were outside the template.
> - Deprecate the ability to catch `Error` in code. If it's not supposed
> to be caught, it shouldn't be so easy to do it;
Disagree. This use case you have is very obscure, and it's much less
obscure to verify an Error is thrown in a unittest.
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