Either I'm confused or the gc is
donaldcallen at gmail.com
Sat Oct 24 16:00:24 UTC 2020
On Saturday, 24 October 2020 at 15:04:53 UTC, Steven
Schveighoffer wrote:
> On 10/24/20 10:21 AM, donallen wrote:
>> On Friday, 23 October 2020 at 23:41:05 UTC, rikki cattermole
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks!
>>> The problem is not in that block of code I believe.
>>> Now how about bind_text?
>>> Is that still using c variadic args?
>> No. Read on.
>> The detective in me couldn't resist (I really need a Peugeot
>> and a basset hound) and so I did some more work on this
>> despite not really having the time and I have made some
>> progress.
> Very nice!
> I wonder if the corruption is happening on the account.guid.
> Since we are talking about sqlite, which is a local DB, and not
> sending information to a server (where it can't be corrupted),
> it's possible the guid is being corrupted causing the premature
> exit of the loop.
> Can you print out the guid after in the premature exit case to
> make sure it hasn't changed?
A good thought, but it doesn't change:
// Now do the children of this account
// First determine how many there are
string guid_before = account.guid;
bind_text(count_children, 1, account.guid);
int n_children = one_row(count_children,
if (n_children > 0)
size_t collections_before = 0;
size_t collections_after = 0;
Account[] children = new Account[n_children];
string guid_after = account.guid;
bind_text(find_children, 1, account.guid);
int i = 0;
while (next_row_available_p(find_children,
children[i].name =
fromStringz(sqlite3_column_text(find_children, 0)).dup;
collections_before +=
//children[i].path = (account.path ~ ":" ~
children[i].path = format("%s:%s", account.path,
collections_after +=
children[i].guid =
fromStringz(sqlite3_column_text(find_children, 1)).dup; // guid
children[i].commodity_guid =
fromStringz(sqlite3_column_text(find_children, 2)).dup; //
children[i].flags =
3) | account.flags &
account_flag_descendents_are_liabilities |
| account_flag_descendents_are_expenses |
account_flag_descendents_need_commodity_link); // flags
i = i + 1;
if (i != n_children)
panic(format("walk_account_tree: bad child index,
%d, %d, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d", i, n_children, account.path,
guid_before, guid_after, collections_before, collections_after));
if (account.guid ==
"c369abf6ec2c7222e3fdd174ce2c0c9a") {
writeln(format("walk_account_tree: %d, %d, %s,
%d, %d", i, n_children, account.path, collections_before,
foreach (child; children) {
walk_account_tree(child, ancestor_flags |
dca at pangloss:~/Software/newcash_d/verifier$ ./verifier
"--DRT-gcopt=profile:1" /tmp/Finances.newcash
walk_account_tree: bad child index, 231, 344,
:Assets:Investments:Equities and derivatives:Taxable:Donald C.
Allen 2003 Revocable Trust:TD Ameritrade,
c369abf6ec2c7222e3fdd174ce2c0c9a, 33, 34
>> This does not panic! In theory, this should consume the same
>> amount of GC memory as the format call (though I have not
>> looked at the format code; there may well
>> be intermediate allocations as it does its work).
> Just for informational purposes, an append statement between N
> strings allocates one block that holds all of them. Format
> appends, so it may involve multiple allocations, though it's
> possible it does a similar shortcut. I'm very interested in
> this code, I will look at the case for format, and see if I can
> sleuth out any possible corruption possibilities.
>> No panic. So there appears to be a problem in format when
>> dealing with strings fed to an unconstrained %s, probably when
>> interacting the garbage collector. My guess is that the issue
>> is
>> in format, not the gc.
> Yeah, I tend to agree. More specifically, it could be in
> appender as well (which is what format uses to allocate memory).
>> That's as far as I've gotten. But I think we know more now
>> than before.
> Good work, and I think we can probably get to the bottom of it,
> lots of great information!
> -Steve
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