Pandas like features

James Blachly james.blachly at
Sat Oct 24 16:43:45 UTC 2020

On 10/23/20 3:31 PM, bioinfornatics wrote:
> As a researcher in BioInformatics I use a lot python numpy pandas and 
> scipy. But I am bored by the slowness of python even with cpython code 
> thanks to the GIL and un-optimized tail recursion.
> So I thinks really that D could play a big role in this field with MIR 
> and dcompute.
> 1/ what is the state of Magpie which was a GSoC 2019:
>   - Mir Data Analysis and Processing Library
> 2/ does the scientific computing field is something that D language want 
> to grow ?
> Thanks
> Best regards

Aside / self-promotion:
We use D extensively in our bioinformatics / computational biology program.

Check out

Also just published a HTS/NGS tool written in D:

I should probably do an `announce` forum post.

Currently trying to decide whether to extend Magpie or roll our own 
(adding only features that are needed). I've also enjoyed using Mir 
ndslice in a couple of test projects, but as you know that is not really 
a dataframe.

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