why $ is need to access array [negative index]?

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 21:11:58 UTC 2020

On 9/18/20 4:56 PM, mw wrote:
> On Friday, 18 September 2020 at 20:48:47 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
>> I'm inclined to say typing a single character is not a hardship in 
>> exchange for extreme clarity of the code. Keep in mind that
> It not about saving "typing a single character".
> In the example I showed,
> signs[sign] = ...;  // the sign can be -1, 0, 1
> in D, to write the same code, you have to test the sign and branch:
> if (sign >= 0) {
>    signs[  sign] = ...;
> } else {
>    signs[$+sign] = ...;  // remember + here
> }

Well, if you don't care about verbosity.

signs[(sign + $) % $] = ...;


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