More CI woes
DlangUser38 at
Sun Sep 20 13:39:32 UTC 2020
On Sunday, 20 September 2020 at 03:16:57 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu
> [1msrc/dmd/frontend.d(142): [1;31mError: [mtemplate
> [0;36m[m[1mstd[0;36m.[m[1malgorithm[0;36m.[m[1miteration[0;36m.[m[1meach[0;36m[m cannot deduce function from argument types [0;36m!([m[1maddGlobalIdent[0;36m)([m[1mconst[0;36m([m[1mstring[0;36m[]))[m, candidates are:
> [1m/dev/shm/dtest/work/repo/dmd/generated/linux/release/64/../../../../../phobos/std/algorithm/iteration.d(805): [1;31m [m[0;36m[m[1meach[0;36m([m[1malias[0;36m [m[1mfun[0;36m = [m[1m"a"[0;36m, [m[1mRange[0;36m)([m[1mauto[0;36m [m[1mref[0;36m [m[1mRange[0;36m [m[1mrange[0;36m)[m
> with [0;36m[m[1mfun[0;36m = [m[1maddGlobalIdent[0;36m,
> [m[1mRange[0;36m =
> [m[1mconst[0;36m([m[1mstring[0;36m[])[m
> must satisfy one of the following constraints:
> [0;36m [m[1misInputRange[0;36m![m[1mRange[0;36m
> [m[1misStaticArray[0;36m![m[1mRange[0;36m
> [m[1mhasMember[0;36m!([m[1mRange[0;36m,
> [m[1m"opApply"[0;36m)[m
Yes observed too, but very rarily too in the IDE output when I
particpated to DMD devel. DMD was build using an IDE tool that
called make -f posix.mak. So build.d is called indirectly, dont
know if this is the cause. But I can confirm that this is not a
CI problem.
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